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/ The Best of LIGHT-ROM #1 thru #5 / The Best of Light-Rom #1 thru #5.iso / objects / misc

Directories (63)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
airbrush2   amiga2   balloon1
barbwire1   briefcas12   bubbles21
cashcard3   celphone4   cigarbox2
countdn213   countdwn10   dollar1
doowop13   electric7   fastfood14
flag3   flag22   forklift2
gavel2   gear1   goggles1
hairpick1   hypo1   justice4
keyboard1   land1   land11
land21   land31   litebulb2
magicarp2   micromtr17   money4
mountain13   mushroom6   newtons3
oilpump6   ornament3   outlet1
paintcan3   pallet1   paper27
pen_guy6   plug1   radioscn5
ripples30   roadsign2   scales1
smoking12   smpte5   smptepal5
star1   stroke1   tcbox1
tcgold1   tclid1   twister13
umbrella6   usa1   volcano5
watch1   wedding4   zimazene11